Showing posts with label Ceará. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ceará. Show all posts

Friday, August 15, 2014

UFO-BRAZIL. Lights and weird heat are scaring population at Ceara

IMAGE. Footage obtained by a Salgado Ingá dweller on August, 04 - 2014.

OVNI em Canindé, Ceará 
YOUTUBE, Weslem Andrade. 11/08/2014.

The ufologist and scholar of the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) Agobar Peixoto commented: We have analyzed there more than two years this region ... where appear probes, spheres, luminous objects. ... Agobar Peixoto further explained that the apparition site, an area of ​​rocky relief, is rich in minerals, such as occurs in other places where the UFOs sightings are frequent.

CEARÁ state. IN CANINDÉ city, the Salgado Ingá community is scared with weird lights that have appeared at the sky. The phenomenon have occurred  many times and people are thinking in an UFO invasion because the happenings aren't limited to the apparitions.

With the lights bright, come also a heat that increases when the objects seem to make approach movements. When it happens the families have afraid e nobody has courage to leave home. The population have denounced the situation to media and authorities.

A woman, dweller of Salgado Ingá, tells to Radio Jornal de Canindé: I saw a very strong red torch. I could describe as a UFO, something I've never seen.

She phoned the local radio and reported the fact. Then, she lit a lantern because the surrounding, was very dark but, this moment, the light in the sky began to downloading altitude as if the object were to land.


BRAZIL. Plasmic UFO appears regularly at the Ceara state 
August 22, 2012

CEARA. UFOs, earthquakes and mutilators
January 6, 2011

CEARA. The Extraterrestrials chips at Quixadá
November 19, 2009

CEARA. Child attacked by UFO
November 13, 2009

CEARA. Mulungu UFO
October 1, 2009

Luz misteriosa causa medo em Canindé; População acredita que seja disco voador
Especialista em discos voadores se surpreende com acontecimentos em Canindé 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

BRAZIL. Creature Not Identified - Mutilated Animals and a Man Attacked

The latest attack happened in the early hours of last Thursday, August 23 (2012). The victim was a dog that despite the injuries, survived - although be much bruised, limping. The owner of the animal - Mrs. Maria Solânea Vitorino - says that the mysterious creature continues prowling her house every night. Its snores can be heard near one of the windows of the residence. Photo: Elizangela Santos

BRAZIL. CEARA state. In the rural community of Sitio Lagoa, located there 5 km from the city of Barbalha, predation unusual by a creature not yet identified is causing panic among the locals - about 3000 inhabitants. The attacks began two months ago in June (2012. Students are afraid to leave to go to school at night.

More than 30 animals have been attacked as a pig, which no one dares eat fearing some kind of contamination. Others, had their viscera removed and even - in some - the blood was completely drained.

Professor of the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC - Federal University of Ceará) and president of the Associação dos Ufólogos Independentes do Brasil (Association of Independent Ufologists of Brazil), José Peixoto Agobar, examining a dog exhumed.

In the third week of this month (August, 2012), some ufologists - as the professor of the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC - Federal University of Ceará) and president of the Associação dos Ufólogos Independentes do Brasil (Association of Independent Ufologists of Brazil), José Peixoto Agobar - went to Sitio Lagoa collect images and informations about the occurrences and examine animals that were attacked. The researchers exhumed one of the dogs that died, victim of the supposed alien.

These victims have deep drillings in the neck, like a lamb belonging to farmer José Francisco Oliveira, found dead. The animal's blood was extracted (image above).

This type of attack remember to the action of the chupacabras. In Brazil, the first of such events were documented in 2000. But this is the first time it happens in that region of the state of Ceará - called Cariri.

The ufologists visited places where attacks have occurred, which happen at dawn. On the property of the farmer Cassia dos Santos, the predator attacked a cat, a chicken and a pig. Some people, who managed to glimpse the creature, even in the dark, describe it as a dog, but - with a strange way to walk.

Others said that is an anthropomorphic being with a human face and humanoid limbs, but with the body of an animal. Many also have heard its roar, similar to a roar and said they felt a bad smell nearby. 

(In the past, these inhabitants of rural areas in Brazil, no doubt would say that is a werewolf, but werewolves are not in fashion of the folklore of nowadays, unlike the chupacabras, which are folk stars of postmodernity folklore).

The situation is really alarming. Not only animals are targets of the attacks of the creature. The farmer Elisha Ferreira do Nascimento, who lives 50 years ago in Sitio Laguna, said the problem started there not there two months, but six months ago, when a man was caught by the beast in a sugarcane field. This man was found unconscious and still has not recovered from injuries: even today, he no more can to walk.

SOURCE: SANTOS. Elizangela. Ufólogos vão a Barbalha estudar ataques a bichos.
DIARIO DO NORDESTE/BRAZIL, publicado em 29/08/2012.
Ataques a animais no Sítio Lagoa continuam, estudiosos de ufologia estudam caso.
O LAGOENSE, /CEARA-BRAZIL, Publicado em 21/08/2012.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Advance of the sea swallows beaches in Ceará

WHERE: Brazil. Advance of the sea changes the Brazilian coast.
SOURCE: Youtube/TV Globo-Fantástico (audio in portuguese)

Ceará state, BRAZIL - On the coast of Ceará urban areas are disappearing, buildings, houses, streets are swallowed by the accelerated advance of the sea. At least one city has declared a state of emergency right now.

The power of destruction of the water is changing the landscape quickly. Residents are being displaced. In the city of Icapuí ten houses had to be demolished before they were felled by the sea.

Researchers reported that the advance reaches ten meters per year in some beaches cearences. The containment work that began to be made to try to stop the sea advance has been swallowed too, even before to be concluded. Scientists blame global warming for the phenomenon.

Other headlines shows that the phenomenon is occurring in others places of the country. Headlines like these:
Mar advances on homes in Florianopolis (Santa Catarina state, southern Brazil)
Mar advances in Cabo Frio (Rio de Janeiro state, southeastern Brazil)
Sea progresses and destroys wall of condo on Icaraí (Rio de Janeiro state, Sudeten region of Brazil)

SOURCE: CE: avanço acelerado do mar preocupa moradores e causa prejuízos.
IN Jornal Floripa published in 01/29/2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

UFOs, earthquakes and mutilators

Photo: Deivyson Teixeira

CEARÁ – At Sobral city, district of Barracho, in a place called Desterro, since october, 2010, strange phenomenons have been happened. Tens of domestic animais have been found, along the last months, deads and mutilated. At the same period, the local population has registered sightings of lights at the sky at many other places of the region.

Numerous localities are suffering with the ocurrences: in places like Espinhos e Pizunha, at Cruz city more of forty animals suffered mutilations in only one night. Lambs, goats and even a donkey, all them had their eyes surgically stripped. In some cases the tongue is removed too. At Bela Cruz city the the same happened and, in a weekend, 17 lambs were sacrificed.

At Sobral city, UFO researchers are linking the mutilation and also earthquakes that have been occurred at the area with the activities of UFOs.

SOURCE: FAHEINE, Rita. Sobral – Animais encontrados sem olhos e língua; população suspeita de extraterrestres
IN O Povo – published in 12/18/2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Mystery: Brackish water of a pit reaches 60 degree centigrade without explanation

CEARÁ – At Missão Velha city, dwellers of the siege Riacho Seco are scared with a phenomenon still not explained by geologists. The water of a pit located in the backyard of the agriculturist Mr. Marcelo Barros Santana, suddenly, became hot to a temperature above 60 degrees centigrade. The suction pump of water was burnt but according to the technician Mr. José Rodrigues, who examined the machine, was not the defect that caused the warming water.

The geologist Mr. Raimundo de Oliveira Romcy, who visited the site, believes the phenomenon has a geothermal cause, like a wave of steam that has could pass through earthly fissures in the crust or even some chemical reaction among minerals salts. The geologist, then, recommended emptying the well but water, renewed, continued hot. The water from that well was brackish and, because this, the water was only used for certain domestic services.

The case can only be clarified after the examine water in laboratory. The fact that intrigued the geologist is that the heating only occurred in one of the pits of the region that receive water of the same underground source.

SOURCE: VICELMO, Antonio. Cacimba com água quente intriga populares.
IN Diario do Nordeste – published em 06/18/2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ghostly paranormality at Itatira city

Andréia Alves Marcolino, 16, has already experienced
the phenomenon more than five times. She is very afraid.
LINK RELACIONADO: The Curse of the Magaia ghosts

BRAZIL. CEARA state. ITATIRA CITY. At the city of Itatira, hinterlands of Ceará state, a 220 km da capital, Fortaleza, northeaster of Brazil, students from a rural school (School of Elementary Teaching Eduardo Barbosa at Cachoeira district) are suffering a strange phenomenon. With Aged between 12 and 19 years, from different classes, youths  fall in trance.

During the trance, the students enter in a strong agitated state. Some crises are much intense reaching to cause faints in the victims. 

When they regain consciousness, all tell the same thing: they saw the ghost of a former student who died seven years ago.

One girl, Beatriz da Silva Nascimento, describes the ghost: He is swarthy, tall, and wears blue pants. He speaks to us. Gives a very strong headache, then we see our colleagues in falling, we feel heavy and the fainting comes. The episodes became frequent.

Since June 2, 32 students were affected by the strange disorder. As in cases of demonic possession medieval the evil affects almost exclusively the feminine sex. Were 32 girls and one boy... 

In just one day, 25 students were received at Emergency of the local Hospital. The doctor Pedro Thiago Fleet commented: The students arrived shouting, presenting a picture of hysteria with a certain degree of aggressiveness.

The persons talk of a number of other symptoms: muscle aches, headache, breathlessness, weight on the chest, pallor, chills, difficulty walking, nausea, muscle paralysis, increased heartbeat, high blood pressure, fainting, anxiety and fear of dying.

Facing these facts, local authorities are seeking a solution. Priest and parapsychologist are being consulted. 

A Mass was celebrated at the school but the phenomenon was repeated during the ceremony: one girl had a trance and spoke with a strange voice. 

While science bet on the old theory of mass hysteria even without finding motivation, the evangelical pastor José Carlos reveals:  

It can be a spiritual force acting within the school. Because at that school three young people died in accidents. In this case, according to the pastor, if the phenomena are produced by wandering spirits, the solution are on the prayer. 

SOURCE: ALVES, Antonio Carlos. Paranormalidade em Itatira.
IN Diário do Nordeste – published in 06/09/2010

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Extraterrestrials chips at Quixadá

CEARÁ ─ May of 2004. During an UFO Symposium, that happened at Quixadá city, the academic José Agobar Peixoto [photo], professor at Universidad Federal do Ceará [Federal University of Ceará state] and researcher of UFOs for fourthy years, did a bombastic reveletion:

We discovered in our research something unprecedented in world ufology! Dozens of citizens quixadenses chips implanted in their bodies. These chips are extraterrestrial. Their technology are very advanced. The chips are used to monitor individuals and the environment around. There are another cases at the world but are isolate episodes. We haven't knowledge of a city with a so great number of people who present this peculiarity.

Mr. Agobar explained that there is a galactic portal of space-time opened at a place called molitics of Quixadá. Mr. Agobar explained that there is a galactic portal of space-time opened at a place known like Quixadá monoliths. This is the cause of the great number of cases.

Definitely, Quixadá is on the Ufology map. The city has records cataloged more than 300 sightings of flying saucers and aliens and can be considered the UFOs's capital of Northeast. Local administrative authorities are celebrating the visit of the flying saucers. The fame of Quixadá has attracted curious and researchers from around the country.

During the Symposium were presented lectures and videos. Nevertheless what most awaked attention was the testimony of the farmer Mr. Antero Francisco Ricardo, a resident of the city of Massapê. He was abducted several times. Antero Ricardo says that after of the abductions he acquired X-ray vision: Now, I can see broken bones and sore muscles. I can ease the suffering of people with the help of my spiritual masters.

Source: Quixadaenses podem conter ‘chips’
In Diário do Nordeste publicado em 05/28/2004

Friday, November 13, 2009

🛸 Child attacked by UFO

CEARÁ ─ This happened in 2008 but as this blog is, at the same time, a news channel and a collection of weird facts of Brazil, this is the story, published in november, 11. At Córrego Salgado and Alegre, Itarema town, a UFO caused a panic among the inhabitants of the place.

According to witnesses, during many days, the UFO appeared regularly at sunset. The population began to be afraid to leave home at night. 

The case became more serious when a boy appeared seriously injured, allegedly by the crew of the UFO. The boy, who saw the spacecraft suffered several punctures and a deep cut in the armpit. He had to undergo surgery.

The Professor of Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and engineer José Agobar, a member of the Association of Independent Ufologists Brazil considered the episode extremely serious. Agobar reveled, yet: studies indicate that these appearances occur at the region in regular periods of more ou less ten years.

The video shows the damage to the boy. The injury makes think that the goal of ET intervention could be the removal of a gland that is located in this part of the human body. The History of UFOs has similar reports.

Criança é atacada por OVNI no Ceará 
In Rondônia Dinâmica ─ published in 11/11/2008 []